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Application Packaging Interview Questions And Answers

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APP-V Training


microsoft APP-V [Application virtualization] course Training

Master's Academy

Microsoft Soft Grid is a Microsoft Application Virtualization (Also Known as APP-V; Formally Known as Microsoft Soft Grid), is an Application Virtualization and Application Streaming Solution from Microsoft.

APP-V Contains 3 Key Components.


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Application Packaging Training


installshield adminstudio [application packaging] Training

Master's Academy

Install-Shield is a proprietary software tool for creating installers or software packages. Install-Shield is primarily used for installing software for Microsoft Windows desktop and server platforms, though it can also be used to manage software applications and packages on a variety of handheld and mobile devices.

1. Re-Packager
2. Tuner
3. Editor

4. Orca

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SCCM Training



Master's Academy

Short for system center configuration manager, SCCM is a software management suite provided by Microsoft that allows users to manage a large number of Windows based computers. SCCM features remote control, patch management, operating system deployment, network protection and other various services.


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4. Will Provide Technical Interview Questions And Answers.
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Application Packaging Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher | Master's Academy

Dear Students !!!!!

Welcome to Master’s Academy. Master’s Academy is a India’s No:1 Job Oriented Latest Software Trending Technologies Training Academy. We Will Provide Online Training And Class Room Training And Corporate Training on Application Packaging. We Will Provide The Exact Real Time Technical Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher.

Here we will Provide 200 to 300 Above Real Time Technical Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher.

Level's of Interview Scheduled For Fresher

1. Level : 1 – Interview Schedule For Fresher : 

          1. Basic And Fundamentals Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher

2. Level : 2 – Interview Schedule For Fresher : 

           1.  Basics And Fundamentals Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher

           2. Technical Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher

3. Level : 3 – Interview Schedule For Fresher : 

          1. Basic And Fundamentals Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher

          2. Technical Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher

          3. Real -Time Technical Interview Questions And Answers

          4. Scenario’s Based Interview Questions And Answers.

          5. Complex Level Interview Questions And Answers.

          6. What Type of Applications Have You Worked on Your Job Location.

         7. What Type of Issues have you Faced While Working in the Job.

         8. What are the Complex Applications Have you Worked.

          9. Give Me Some Real Time Example of Scenario’s Have you Face in your Job.

          10. Roles And Responsibilities of Application Packager.

1. Level :1 - Basics And Fundamentals Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher

Dear Students !!!!!

Welcome to Master’s Academy. Master’s Academy is a India’s No:1 Job Oriented Latest Software Trending Technologies Training Academy. We Will Provide Online Training And Class Room Training And Corporate Training on Application Packaging.

1. What is Application Packaging ?

Process of creating an installer for an application is called application packaging. Usually in it binary files provided by developer’s are packaged to form a package.

The Main difference between packaging and re-packaging is that the source files does not come in the form  of package in packaging where as in re-packaging they come in a form of a package, which might be MSI or legacy package (such as executable, batch files, Etc….).

2. What is Application Repackaging?

Repackaging (Customized Installation) is the process of capturing the changes made by an Installation Program (Package) and it is customized to support company standards and Distribution methods.

It is not necessary to do setup capture to call it repackaging, even creating mst files or iss files can be called application repackaging.

3. What are the steps of Repackaging?

We Have World Wide Re-Packaging Steps : 

1. Review the packaging requirements (User Requirement Review)

2. Analyze the vendor package (Tech Review)

3. Repackage the application (Setup capture)

4. Customize the package (Scripting)

5. Test the package (Testing & UAT)

6. Release the package to end users (Deployment)

4. Why repackaging is required & what are the problems in Legacy Installation?

The Most common reasons for Re-packaging are as follows : 

• Customized Installation

• Reduce Support Costs

• Self Repair

• Source Resiliency

• Unattended Install

5. The problems with Legacy Installations ?

The Problems with Legacy Installations : 

• High Support Costs

• Fragile Installs & uninstalls

• Difficult & labor Intensive to deploy

6. Name of the few MSI Packaging tools?

• Wise for Windows Installer

• Wise Package Studio

• Install Shield

• SMS Installer

• Marimba

• WIX (It cannot be used for re-packaging)

• Sharpdevelop

• Visual Studio

7. Name of the few Deployment tools?

• Radia


• Altiris Client Management Suite

• Altiris Notification Server Console

• Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS)

Microsoft Systems Center Configuration Manager Server (SCCM)

8. What is Windows Installer?

Windows Installer (previously known as Microsoft Installer) is a built-in Operating System service for Installing and Managing Applications. It provides a standard method for developing, customizing, installing and updating applications.

It is an engine for the installation, maintenance, and removal of software on modern Microsoft Windows systems. The installation information, and often the files themselves, are packaged in installation packages, loosely relational databases structured as OLE COM Structured Storages and commonly known as “MSI files”, from their default file extension. Windows Installer contains significant changes from its predecessor, Setup API. New features include a GUI framework and automatic generation of the uninstallation sequence.

It is positioned as an alternative to stand-alone executable installer frameworks such as older versions of Install-Shield and Wise Package Studio (later versions of both supports Windows Installer) and NSIS.

9. Benefits of the Windows Installer?

• Advertising

• Installation on Demand

• Repair (Self-healing)

• Rollback (Transactional operations)

• Managed Shared Resources

• Installation in locked-down environments

10. MSI Installation Mechanism (Background Mechanism of an MSI)?

Acquisition: The Installer first installs the feature and then progresses through the actions specified in the sequence tables of the installation database. These actions query the installation  Database and generate a script that gives a step-by-step procedure for performing the installation.

Execution: The installer passes the information to a process with elevated privileges and runs the script.

Rollback: If an installation is unsuccessful, the installer restores the original state of the computer. When the installer processes the installation script, it simultaneously generates a rollback script. In addition to the rollback script, the installer saves a copy of every file it deletes during the installation. These files are kept in a hidden, system directory. Once the installation is complete, the rollback script and the saved files are deleted.

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