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APP-V Training
microsoft APP-V [Application virtualization] course Training
Master's Academy
Microsoft Soft Grid is a Microsoft Application Virtualization (Also Known as APP-V; Formally Known as Microsoft Soft Grid), is an Application Virtualization and Application Streaming Solution from Microsoft.
APP-V Contains 3 Key Components.
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Application Packaging Training
installshield adminstudio [application packaging] Training
Master's Academy
Install-Shield is a proprietary software tool for creating installers or software packages. Install-Shield is primarily used for installing software for Microsoft Windows desktop and server platforms, though it can also be used to manage software applications and packages on a variety of handheld and mobile devices.
1. Re-Packager
2. Tuner
3. Editor
4. Orca
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10. Call For Training : +91 - 810 632 4500.
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SCCM Training
Master's Academy
Short for system center configuration manager, SCCM is a software management suite provided by Microsoft that allows users to manage a large number of Windows based computers. SCCM features remote control, patch management, operating system deployment, network protection and other various services.
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4. Will Provide Technical Interview Questions And Answers.
5. Resume Preparation Guide.
6. Mock Interview Guide.
7. Proxy Interview Support.
8. Job Tech Support.
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10. Call For Training : +91 - 810 632 4500.
11. Mail Us : applicationpackagingtraining@gmail.com
Application Packaging Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher | Master's Academy
Application Packaging Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher ! Application Packaging Technical Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher.
Dear Students !!!!!
Welcome to Master’s Academy. Master’s Academy is a India’s No:1 Job Oriented Latest Software Trending Technologies Training Academy. We Will Provide Online Training And Class Room Training And Corporate Training on Application Packaging. We Will Provide The Exact Real Time Technical Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher.
Here we will Provide 200 to 300 Above Real Time Technical Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher.
1. Level :1 - Basics And Fundamentals Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher
Dear Students !!!!!
Welcome to Master’s Academy. Master’s Academy is a India’s No:1 Job Oriented Latest Software Trending Technologies Training Academy. We Will Provide Online Training And Class Room Training And Corporate Training on Application Packaging.
11. What is a MSI?
MSI is “Microsoft Windows Installer”. It is an installation, in the form of a single file. It is actually a database that contains several tables (191+). Each of these tables contains instructions and set-up information.
12. Structure of MSI?
• Products (Collection of Features)
• Features (Collection of Components)
• Components (Collection of files and Registries)
13. What is Product?
A single, installed, working program (or set of programs) is a product. A product is identified by a unique GUID (the Product Code property). A product is not the same as a package: a single MSI package might install multiple different products. For example, an MSI might install French and English versions of a program, each of which is a different product.
14. What is Feature?
Features are buckets for Components. Windows Installer configuration commands operate only on Features (installing, advertising, Uninstalling). Self-healing, install-on-demand and user profile fix-up operate at the Feature level.
15. What is Component?
Components are collections of resources that are always installed or removed as a unit from a user’s system. A resource can be a file, registry key, shortcut, or anything else that may be installed. Every component is assigned a unique component code GUID.
16. What is self-healing ?
When an MSI-based application is launched (by clicking on an advertised shortcut or file type association), Windows Installer checks the existence of key path items. If there is a mismatch between the current system state and the value specified in the MSI package (e.g., a key file or registry is missing), then the related feature is re-installed. This process is also known as self-healing or self-repair.
17. What is the difference between Self-Healing and Repair ?
Self Heal and Repair are two different concepts in Windows Installer which people many times consider to be the same thing however there is difference in these two Self Heal is triggered by advertised shortcuts, or other advertising information in the package which eventually Repairs the application.
When the application is launched by advertised shortcut, it checks for all the key paths of the Current Feature, if any of the key paths is missing it will launch Repair.
Note : that if there are multiple features then it will not check the missing key paths of the other features, but only the feature of which the advertised shortcut is launched.
18. Repair of an MSI can be triggered by
• Repair button in Add/Remove programs
• Giving the command line msiexec /f{other option} {MSI name}
• Self Heal by advertised shortcut or other advertising information
• Active setup
Once the repair of the package is triggered, even with Self Heal, then the whole of the MSI is reinstalled. Then it does not see that only the feature which triggered the self heal should be repaired, but the whole MSI, by which I mean, all its features are reinstalled.
19. What is Registry, Tell the Structure & types of Registry?
The Registry is a single place for storing information about the Windows OS (Hardware & Software)
• Root Keys / Subtrees
• Subkeys
• Hives
• Entries
20. Types of Registry keys
• Machine-Specific (HKCR, HKLM, HKCC, HKU)
• User-Specific (HKCU, HKU)

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