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Application Packaging Training Academy


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APP-V Training


microsoft APP-V [Application virtualization] course Training

Master's Academy

Microsoft Soft Grid is a Microsoft Application Virtualization (Also Known as APP-V; Formally Known as Microsoft Soft Grid), is an Application Virtualization and Application Streaming Solution from Microsoft.

APP-V Contains 3 Key Components.


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Application Packaging Training


installshield adminstudio [application packaging] Training

Master's Academy

Install-Shield is a proprietary software tool for creating installers or software packages. Install-Shield is primarily used for installing software for Microsoft Windows desktop and server platforms, though it can also be used to manage software applications and packages on a variety of handheld and mobile devices.

1. Re-Packager
2. Tuner
3. Editor

4. Orca

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4. Will Provide Technical Interview Questions And Answers.
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10. Call For Training : +91 - 810 632 4500.
11. Mail Us : applicationpackagingtraining@gmail.com

SCCM Training



Master's Academy

Short for system center configuration manager, SCCM is a software management suite provided by Microsoft that allows users to manage a large number of Windows based computers. SCCM features remote control, patch management, operating system deployment, network protection and other various services.


Master's Academy Benefits

1. 100% Quality Training.
2. 100% Real-Time Live Training.
3.100% Job Support.
4. Will Provide Technical Interview Questions And Answers.
5. Resume Preparation Guide.
6. Mock Interview Guide.
7. Proxy Interview Support.
8. Job Tech Support.
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10. Call For Training : +91 - 810 632 4500.
11. Mail Us : applicationpackagingtraining@gmail.com

Application Packaging Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher | Master's Academy

Dear Students !!!!!

Welcome to Master’s Academy. Master’s Academy is a India’s No:1 Job Oriented Latest Software Trending Technologies Training Academy. We Will Provide Online Training And Class Room Training And Corporate Training on Application Packaging. We Will Provide The Exact Real Time Technical Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher.

Here we will Provide 200 to 300 Above Real Time Technical Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher.

1. Level :1 - Basics And Fundamentals Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher

Dear Students !!!!!

Welcome to Master’s Academy. Master’s Academy is a India’s No:1 Job Oriented Latest Software Trending Technologies Training Academy. We Will Provide Online Training And Class Room Training And Corporate Training on Application Packaging.

71. What are the other tools which are used during the testing & finding solving the Issues in the Application Packaging?

• Picture Taker

• Windows Install Master

• InstallRite

• RegMon

• FileMon

• procmon

• Process Explorer

• CsDiff

• Icon Extractor & Icon Builder

• RegExtractor

• WiLogUtl

• WiseComReg


72. What is Orca tool & what is the purpose and Advantages?

Microsoft utility to view, update, validate MSI & MST files.

73. Why multiple MSIExec is running during the Installation?

Windows Installer uses a client-server model for performing installations. Additionally for security reasons, Windows Installer hosts DLL and script custom actions in a “sandbox” process. Depending on how the install was initiated, one of the MSIExec processes can be the client process (Current User). Another MSIExec process is Windows Installer service (System).

74. Which drive your Application will Install, C drive has less space and D drive has more space? Why & how to solve?

It will install “D” drive only due to Windows Installer features. We can solve by adding “WindowsVolume” entry in the directory table as parent of “TARGETDIR” or you can use INDSTALLDRIVE=C:\

75. What is a Patch?

Patching is a streamlined process for updating earlier versions of a Windows Installer setup package i.e. when you update only files that already exist in your installation package. Only the package code is changed.

76. What is Upgrade?

Upgrade is a process of updating the earlier versions of a Windows Installer setup package i.e. Adding, changing & deleting new Files & Registries. But here product code, product version & package code should be changed.

77. What are the types of Upgrades and what is the difference?

a) Small Update : A small update is a product update that changes a few files or possibly adds some new content. But there is a limitation for the changes that can be made to the  Feature component structure for the package. Only the package code is changed. It is also called as a “Hotfix” or “Quick Fix Engineering (QFE)”.

b) Minor Upgrade : A minor update is a product update that makes enough changes. But there is a limitation for the changes that can be made to the feature-component structure for the package. The package code & product version is changed for the product. It is also called as a “Service Pack”.

c) Major Upgrade : A major update is a product update with a large number of changes. There is no limitation for the changes that can be made to the feature-component structure for the package. The package code, product code & product version is changed for the product. It is also called as a “Product Upgrade”.

78. How you validate the MSI using Wise Package Studio?

In Wise Package Studio, by using “Package Validation” option by selecting the MSI with the default Cub file or Browse your own Cub file. In Install Shield, by Build ? Validate ? Default Cub file or Browse your own Cub file.

79. What is ICE?

It means “Internal Consistency Evaluation”. ICEs are used to validate installation packages against various generic issues.

80. Give some ICE Error number and tell how to solve the ICE Errors?

There are totally 96 ICE Errors and 14 ICEM Errors in the Windows Installer. Some examples are as follows

a) ICE03 – Basic data and foreign key validation

b) ICE18 – Validates the KeyPath column of the Component table when it is NULL.

c) ICE21 – Validates that all components in the Component table map to a feature in the Feature Components table.

d) ICE33 – Checks for entries in the registry table that belong in other tables.

e) ICE38 – Validates that components installed under the user’s profile use a registry key under HKCU as their key path.

f) ICE64 – Checks that new directories in the user profile are removed in roaming scenarios.

g) ICE57 – Validates that individual components do not mix per-machine and per-user data.

h) ICE59 – Checks that advertised shortcuts belong to components that are installed by the target feature of the shortcut.

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