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APP-V Training
microsoft APP-V [Application virtualization] course Training
Master's Academy
Microsoft Soft Grid is a Microsoft Application Virtualization (Also Known as APP-V; Formally Known as Microsoft Soft Grid), is an Application Virtualization and Application Streaming Solution from Microsoft.
APP-V Contains 3 Key Components.
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10. Call For Training : +91 - 810 632 4500.
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Application Packaging Training
installshield adminstudio [application packaging] Training
Master's Academy
Install-Shield is a proprietary software tool for creating installers or software packages. Install-Shield is primarily used for installing software for Microsoft Windows desktop and server platforms, though it can also be used to manage software applications and packages on a variety of handheld and mobile devices.
1. Re-Packager
2. Tuner
3. Editor
4. Orca
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3.100% Job Support.
4. Will Provide Technical Interview Questions And Answers.
5. Resume Preparation Guide.
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7. Proxy Interview Support.
8. Job Tech Support.
9. Placement Assistance Support.
10. Call For Training : +91 - 810 632 4500.
11. Mail Us : applicationpackagingtraining@gmail.com
SCCM Training
Master's Academy
Short for system center configuration manager, SCCM is a software management suite provided by Microsoft that allows users to manage a large number of Windows based computers. SCCM features remote control, patch management, operating system deployment, network protection and other various services.
Master's Academy Benefits
1. 100% Quality Training.
2. 100% Real-Time Live Training.
3.100% Job Support.
4. Will Provide Technical Interview Questions And Answers.
5. Resume Preparation Guide.
6. Mock Interview Guide.
7. Proxy Interview Support.
8. Job Tech Support.
9. Placement Assistance Support.
10. Call For Training : +91 - 810 632 4500.
11. Mail Us : applicationpackagingtraining@gmail.com
Application Packaging Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher | Master's Academy
Dear Students !!!!!
Welcome to Master’s Academy. Master’s Academy is a India’s No:1 Job Oriented Latest Software Trending Technologies Training Academy. We Will Provide Online Training And Class Room Training And Corporate Training on Application Packaging. We Will Provide The Exact Real Time Technical Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher.
Here we will Provide 200 to 300 Above Real Time Technical Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher.
1. Level :1 - Basics And Fundamentals Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher
Dear Students !!!!!
Welcome to Master’s Academy. Master’s Academy is a India’s No:1 Job Oriented Latest Software Trending Technologies Training Academy. We Will Provide Online Training And Class Room Training And Corporate Training on Application Packaging.
61. What are the Database Tables in Instll-shield ?
191 tables in Install-shield
62. What is Conflict Management?
When two or more applications install the same system files (DLLs, .VBXs, and .OCXs), Windows registry, and other items. To detect, Conflict Management should be use and for resolve the software conflicts, Application Isolation concept should be use
63. What are the types of Deployment (Software Distribution)?
• Group policy (Active Directory)
• Software Update Services (SUS)
• Windows Update Web site
• Systems Management service (SMS)
64. What is Software Distribution?
One of the more critical aspects to managing a Windows environment is the ability to deploy new applications, updates, upgrades & patches. Distributing new or updated software is called as Software Distribution.
65. What is Group Policy (GPO) & how to set it?
Administrators use Group Policy to define options for managing, configuration of servers, desktops, and groups of users. It is used to set policies across a given site, domain, or range of organizational units. Use “gpedit.msc” in the run command to set the policy.
66. What is Elevated User & how to create it?
If the user having the privileges of MSI features (Windows Installer) is called as Elevated User You can create through “gpedit.msc” in the run Command or registry keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Installer Type : DWORD Key: AlwaysInstallElevated Value : 1
67. What is Wrapper MSI?
When an Executable is wrapped within an MSI then that msi is called wrapper msi
68. What is Lock down environment?
Software restriction policies provide administrators with a Policy-driven mechanism to identify software running on computers in a domain, and control its ability to execute. This policy can be used to block malicious scripts, help lockdown a computer, or prevent unwanted applications from running
69. What is IntelliMirror?
IntelliMirror management technologies is a set of powerful features for change and configuration management. It ensures that users’ data, software, and personal settings are available when they move from one computer to another, and persist when their computers are connected to the network.
70. What is Active Directory?
Deploying applications through the Active Directory is done through the use of group policies, and therefore applications are deployed either on a per user basis or on a per computer basis.

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