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APP-V Training
microsoft APP-V [Application virtualization] course Training
Master's Academy
Microsoft Soft Grid is a Microsoft Application Virtualization (Also Known as APP-V; Formally Known as Microsoft Soft Grid), is an Application Virtualization and Application Streaming Solution from Microsoft.
APP-V Contains 3 Key Components.
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Application Packaging Training
installshield adminstudio [application packaging] Training
Master's Academy
Install-Shield is a proprietary software tool for creating installers or software packages. Install-Shield is primarily used for installing software for Microsoft Windows desktop and server platforms, though it can also be used to manage software applications and packages on a variety of handheld and mobile devices.
1. Re-Packager
2. Tuner
3. Editor
4. Orca
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10. Call For Training : +91 - 810 632 4500.
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SCCM Training
Master's Academy
Short for system center configuration manager, SCCM is a software management suite provided by Microsoft that allows users to manage a large number of Windows based computers. SCCM features remote control, patch management, operating system deployment, network protection and other various services.
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4. Will Provide Technical Interview Questions And Answers.
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10. Call For Training : +91 - 810 632 4500.
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Application Packaging Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher | Master's Academy
Dear Students !!!!!
Welcome to Master’s Academy. Master’s Academy is a India’s No:1 Job Oriented Latest Software Trending Technologies Training Academy. We Will Provide Online Training And Class Room Training And Corporate Training on Application Packaging. We Will Provide The Exact Real Time Technical Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher.
Here we will Provide 200 to 300 Above Real Time Technical Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher.
1. Level :1 - Basics And Fundamentals Interview Questions And Answers For Fresher
Dear Students !!!!!
Welcome to Master’s Academy. Master’s Academy is a India’s No:1 Job Oriented Latest Software Trending Technologies Training Academy. We Will Provide Online Training And Class Room Training And Corporate Training on Application Packaging.
41. What is Transform?
A transform is a windows installer file with the extension (.MST). It should be used along with a MSI to customize or change the installation package without modifying the MSI. The installer can only apply transforms during an installation.
42. What are the types of Transform?
a) Embedded transform :
Embedded transforms are stored inside the .msi file of the package.
b) Secured transform :
Secured transforms are stored locally on the user’s computer in a location where, on a secure file system, the user does not have write access. Such transforms are cached in this location during the installation or advertisement of the package. During subsequent installation-on-demand or maintenance installations of the package, the installer uses the cached transforms.
c) Unsecured transform :
Transforms that have not been secured are called unsecured transforms. To apply an unsecured transform, pass the transform file names in the TRANSFORMS property or command line string during the installation.
43. How to Create Transform in Wise / Install Shield?
In Wise Package Studio, by using Install Tailor or New Project → other templates → Transform In Install Shield Admin Studio, by using the New Project → Transform
44. How many Transform can be created for one Vendor MSI?
There is no restriction on the numbers of transforms which can be created for one Vendor MSI
45. How many Transforms can be supplied in the Command line?
There is no restriction on the numbers of transforms which can be supplied in the command line
46. What is Custom Action?
The Microsoft Windows Installer provides many built-in actions for performing the installation process. For some cases the developer writes an action to execute his own installation is called custom action
47. What are the types of Custom Actions?
• DLL file stored in a Binary table stream
• DLL file that is installed with a product
• EXE file stored in a Binary table stream
• EXE file that is installed with a product
• Displays a specified error message and returns failure, terminating the installation
• EXE file having a path specified by a property value
• EXE file having a path referencing a directory
• JScript file stored in a Binary table stream
• JScript file that is installed with a product
• JScript text specified by a property value
• JScript text stored in this sequence table
• VBScript file stored in a Binary table stream
• VBScript file that is installed with a product
• VBScript text specified by a property value
• VBScript text stored in this sequence table
• Property set with formatted text
• Directory set with formatted text
• Installation of a package nested inside of the first package. See Nested Installation Actions
• Installation of a package that resides in the first application’s source tree. See Nested Installation Actions
• Installation of an application that is advertised or already installed. See Nested Installation Actions
48. What are the types of Sequences in the Custom Actions?
• Normal User Interface
• Normal Execute Immediate / Deferred
• Administrative User Interface
• Administrative Execute Immediate / Deferred
49. What are the types of Conditions in the Custom Actions and what is the use?
• Not Installed – During Installation only
• REMOVE – During UnInstallation only
• NOT REMOVE – During both Install & UnInstall
50. What are the types of In Script options in the Custom Actions?
a) Immediate Execution :
Immediate custom actions, can be sequenced anywhere within any of the sequence tables. It has access to the installation database (read & set installation properties, modify feature & component states, add temporary columns, rows, and tables).
b) Deferred Execution – User Context :
Deferred custom actions can only be sequenced between the InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize actions in execute sequence tables. It doesn’t have access to the installation database. Deferred custom actions are not executed immediately. Instead they are scheduled to run later during the execution script. The execution script isn’t processed until the InstallExecute, InstallExecuteAgain, or InstallFinalize action is run. If the Current User doesn’t have the elevated privileges (Custom actions make changes in the system directly), the custom actions should run in Deferred Execution in User Context only.
c) Rollback only :
This Action should be executed during the Installation of the Rollback script or if the Installation is Unsuccessful
d) Commit only :
This Action should be executed during the Installation of the Commit script.
e) Deferred Execution – System Context :
Deferred custom actions can only be sequenced between the InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize actions in execute sequence tables. It doesn’t have access to the installation database. Deferred custom actions are not executed immediately. Instead they are scheduled to run later during the execution script. The execution script isn’t processed until the InstallExecute InstallExecuteAgain, or InstallFinalize action is run. If the Current User have the elevated privileges (Custom actions make changes in the system directly), then it should run in Deferred Execution in System Context only.

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